Unfortunately, there is no regard for correct translations. Here are just a couple of hilarious results.
The first photo is talking about the regulations for driving through tunnels. If you break the rules, you will be fined 'ceaselessly' until the end of time.
The second is at a food stand. Both the sausage and the tofu names are pretty screwed up. However, the tofu should read charcoal barbecued stinky tofu. Instead a direct translation has changed charcoal into carbon.
Oh, at least I know how that stinky tofu become "strong-smelling fermented beancurd"...simply put "碳烤臭豆腐" in the Babel Fish, you'll get the same answer:)
Here no one cares about correct English but the state of at least "having" English. Even some "English experts" (we have plenty of it) they are not sure what they're writing..whose fault? I don't know. Let's blame English as a universal language that we have to learn and use, I am just another victim of it. Maybe someday when everybody has to learn Chinese(seems not possible), we'll see even more funny stuff than you do in the Engrish.
I could do with some carbon right now...
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