Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Love you long time or not

Once again another great t-shirt.

It is a play on the lines uttered by actress Papillon Soo Soo in the movie 'Full Metal Jacket'.

"This character is a hooker who only played a very minor role in the film, but uttered the famous phrases 'me so horny, me love you long time and me sucky sucky.' " WIKI

The actress's film career has gone nowhere. Even worse, she is criticized and ostracized in Asian circles as one of the major embarrassments to Asian women and culture in general.

It's all quite unfortunate that poor Papillon (Butterfly) is the lightning rod of the Asian community. However, she maintains a place in cinematic history by being the person to say "one of the most quotable movie phrases in the 80's and continues to be referenced in popular culture."

In an apparent twist on the phrase from the movie, the t-shirt really stands out. I wouldn't want to mess with this girl wearing it!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> I wouldn't want to mess with this girl wearing it!

Oooooh, I think I would risk it !!

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